Judge Robert Dietz Award

Nominations are open! The OJCC is presenting the second annual Judge Robert Dietz Award. Read more on the recognition below, and email any nominations to david.langham@doah.state.fl.us. 

In 2023, the Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims presented the inaugural Hon. Robert L. Dietz Emerging Professional award. Judge Dietz was a mentor, a mediator (professionally and beyond), a scholar, an advocate, a friend, and an active member of his community. He passed unexpectedly and left a hole in this organization, practice, and community.

In his memory, the annual award will be presented

In recognition of professionalism, exemplary conduct, preparedness, and decorum by an emerging leader in workers' compensation.

In 2023, it was presented to Meredith McAvoy, and featured in the Florida Bar News (The photo and caption are courtesy of the News).

Ana Gonzalez-Fajardo, Frank Wesighan, Meredith McAvoy, and Judge Margret KerrMediator Ana Gonzalez-Fajardo, from the left, Frank Wesighan, Meredith McAvoy, and Judge Margret Kerr at the First Work Comp Academy presented by the Office of Judges of Compensation Claims May 19 in Orlando. The OJCC presented McAvoy with the Hon. Robert Dietz Young Professional Award in recognition of her contributions, service, ethics, and professionalism. The award is named in honor of the late Judge Dietz. His wife, Laura, attended the presentation of the award virtually.

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