Power Outage May 2024

05.14.24 12:00 FINAL - systems are back online. We anticipate re-activating e-JCC soon. There is an Administrative Order re filing deadlines online. We are pleased to put this storm behind us. Email if you need general assistance: judgelangham@yahoo.com
05.14.24 11:00 - power restored to OJCC systems. IT team is cycling up the programs, servers, etc. We should be fully functional today. Thank you for your patience. 

05.14.24  05:00 - The outage map shows that restoration of Tallahassee power slowed last night. 10,932 remain out of service this morning. The OJCC is one of those. They are currently getting heavy rain and that may inhibit the effort this morning. We remain hopeful for Tuesday restoration. See below regarding emergency filings if necessary. 

05.13.24  17:00 - The map shows only 13,100 still out of service in Tallahassee. This is another huge improvement. However, the OJCC is one of the remaining 13,100. We are monitoring the repair and restoration. Stay tuned. We hope for restoration of services Tuesday, May 14, 2024. The trend downward is encouraging!

05.13.24  10:30 - if you are up against a critical deadline and need to file something that absolutely, positively, has to be filed today, you may email it to judgelangham@yahoo.com for filing consideration. 

05.13.24  05:00 - There remain 25,426 customers without power in Tallahassee this morning. The OJCC is one of those. Efforts are underway to restore functionality. Stay tuned to this post for updates. 

05.12.24  20:00 - Big gains this evening. The outage map shows only 26,077 still without power. There are plans underway to get power back to the OJCC backbone on Monday one way or another. Thank you for your patience. More news to follow. 

05.12.24 17:00 - Leon County shows 38,839 without power this evening. The Florida OJCC still lacks power. e-JCC remains down. At the current restoration pace, it may be several more days before all Tallahassee power is restored and services resume.

05.12.24 06:00 - Leon County shows 49,475 without power this morning. The Florida OJCC continues to lack electricity. e-JCC and other services remain down. We apologize again for the inconvenience and delay.

05.11.24 17:45 - Leon County shows 56,231 without power this evening. Crews from at least as far as 500 miles away (Lafayette, LA) are being brought in to restore operations in that city. Jacksonville crews are already engaged. We are hopeful for repair and restoration for e-JCC soon.

05.11.24 07:30 -Leon County shows 71,648 without power this morning. This is up from the report shortly after the storm on Friday. Their estimates of power restoration before noon Friday turned out to be pure speculation. I am sorry we do not have a generator to facilitate e-filing and more. Stay tuned.

05.10.24 10:20 - Power remains out in Tallahassee. News reports suggest it is of significance that outside power crews may be called to assist. Projections are variable as to the time of probable restoration. We are monitoring and will strive to keep informed.

05.10.24 09:22 - There has been a serious windstorm in Tallahassee. Much power is out and trees are down. Crews are at work, and we have been given some hope for restoration by sometime later the morning of May 10, 2004. We regret the situation and any inconvenience. This post will be updated as we learn more.

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