eJCC Changes April 1, 2024

 April 1, 2024 is right around the corner! No "April Fools," changes are coming to the Office of Judges of Compensation Claims interface platforms. The main changes are in eJCC. Take notes, there will be some adaptation needed.

The basic interface appearance is changing to accommodate the volume of topics and alternatives. Look for changes. The main screen today looks like

But on Monday, it will look like

When you hover your mouse over the ones with arrows, like "case" you will get an expanded menu as pictured. This should help with viewing on smaller screens. 

We are providing you (the filer) the opportunity to expedite the processing of some motions. An example is settlements. When you upload a  Motion for Approval of Attorney's Fees and Child Support, you will have the option to input the data from your documents. This will speed up the process in our office in many cases. Watch for this change to evolve into a necessity one day. But, for now, it is an option we are offering. 

If you are a party to a case assigned to a particular judge, you can view the times that are "unavailable" on that judge's calendar. This will hopefully help counsel to coordinate for hearings. There is no need to call the judge's office to see if 1:00 on January 33rd (yes, I know that is not a real date) is workable for a trial reconvene if that date/time shows "unavailable." Counsel should confer first, check the calendar jointly, and then contact the judge's staff. 

This functionality has existed for some time with mediators, for registered attorneys. We have added adjuster users to that functionality for mediators. This should help claims professionals in their discussions with opposing counsel for scheduling in the event the E/C is not represented. 

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