Assignment Changes JAX and ORL

The evolution of the Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims continues. There has been significant change over the past three years as we have emerged from the pandemic, further embraced technology, and closed many offices. The news today is a parallel to this, but no additional consolidations at this time. However, effective February 1, 2024, Judge Stanton (JAX) will take on an Orlando-centric docket. 

Cases currently assigned to Judge Stanton in the JAX district will migrate to Judges Holley and Humphries and proceed. 

In the early days of February, cases assigned to any of the four ORL judges (Anderson, Jacobs, Pitts, Sancerni) will be reallocated, and one-fifth of the pending and future cases will be assigned to Judge Stanton (though he will remain in District JAX). 

Any case with a scheduled hearing in the thirty days immediately after February 1, 2024 should not move from (JAX cases) or to (ORL cases) Judge Stanton.

Questions can be transmitted to Anything case-specific should be addressed with the assigned judge (And always include opposing parties or counsel to avoid ex parte). 

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