Jacksonville Meet and Greet

Paolo Longo, Chair-Elect of the Worker's Compensation Section of The Florida Bar is coordinating "Meet and Greet" sessions throughout the state. Judge Humphries has announced that Jacksonville will hold its Meet and Greet at noon on April 5, 2023. In addition to Judges Holley, Stanton and Humphries, Chief Judge Brian Newman and Deputy Chief Judge David Langham will also be present and participating.

The format provides for each of the Jacksonville judges to set up in their hearing rooms with approximately 25% of those in attendance rotating through. This is your opportunity to speak with each judge about anything pertaining to the adjudicatory process. Those attending will determine the subject matter of each session. The idea is to have an open exchange of questions, comments and concerns. We, the judges, want to hear from you about whatever is on your mind.

Judges Newman and Langham will jointly host a session as well and can provide insight from a "big picture" perspective of the OJCC.

Building management has agreed to open up the gated parking lot behind the district office to accommodate all who wish to attend. Entry is on the eastern side of the building.

Lunch will be made available at an anticipated cost of approximately $15 per person. More on that will follow soon.

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience at the following link:  https://tinyurl.com/OJCCmeetandgreetNEFL

We look forward to seeing you there!

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