Mandatory Masks at OJCC

The Florida Office of Judges of Compensation Claims remains open for business in all 17 district office locations. The mandate of telephonic mediations will continue through May 17, 2020 and will then be re-evaluated. Telephonic mediation is otherwise within the discretion of the assigned mediator. If you wish to attend telephonically, that request should be made as outlined in Rule 60Q6.110

Anyone appearing in person at a Florida Offices will be required to wear a face mask that covers nose and mouth. This is for the protection of the visitor, staff, and the general public. We appreciate your cooperation with this mask advice. 

In addition to the wearing of masks, every effort will be made to accommodate appropriate social distancing ("maintaining distance (approximately 6 feet or 2 meters) from others when possible") as recommended by the CDC. We likewise appreciate your cooperation with this social distancing advice. 

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