A New Inn of Court in Miami

I was very proud on January 17, 2019 to attend the inaugural dinner of the Richard Sicking Inn of Court in Miami. This is the FOURTH Florida workers' compensation inn. The movement began in Jacksonville with the E. Robert Williams Inn. Next, the William Wieland Inn was organized in Orlando. Then the The Tampa Bay Workers Compensation and Disability American Inn of Court was formed more recently. Then, in 2019 the Richard A. Sicking American Inn of Court was launched. 

I have been proud to support the Inns of Court movement for almost twenty years. It is an exceptional concept, driven by goals of professionalism and mentoring. I congratulate the Sicking Inn, and the 50 exceptional judges and lawyers that are inaugural members. I also congratulate the judges that have agreed to be honorary members, supporting the ideals and mission of the group!

Judge Sylvia Medina-Shore
Daron Fitch
Frank Garcia
Charles M. Hill
Janelys Holland
Ivan Morales
Eduardo Neret 
Virna Roa
Christine Santisteban
Richard Sicking

Judge Margret Kerr
Mercedes de los Santos
Javier Finlay
Suzanne Gorowitz
Carolina Hernandez
Ignacio Rodriguez
Robert Rodriguez 
Henry Roman 
Cory Schnepper
Mark Touby
Lorraine Young

Judge Edward Almeyda

Richard Chait
Rangel Cruz
Karen Gilmartin 
Tom Glick
Ryan Knight
Ramon Malca
Michele Ready
Richard Robbins
Mariam Yanes

Judge Walter Havers
Matthew Colon
Matthew Ferran
Leopolda Garcia 
Rhonda Lapin
Vanessa Lipsky
Ileana Marcos
Darien McMillan
Steven Miller
Salvatore Sicuso

Judge Jeffrey Jacobs
Jeanette Edwards 
James Fee
Ashley Fuxa
Gloria Garcia
Christopher Hessen
Stacey Laskin
Christopher McClure
Dawn Traverso
Mark Zientz

The honorary members are:
Judge Iliana Forte (FTL)
Judge Daniel Lewis (FTL)
Judge Keef Owens (PSL)
Judge Neal Pitts (ORL)
Judge Michael Ring (FTL)

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