Modern Mediations and Weather Emergencies
In the age of virtual mediations, the natural question arose in conjunction with the impending landfall of Hurricane Ian. Will mediations be cancelled. The short answer is that this is up to the assigned mediator. If you are scheduled for a live mediation, in-person, in one of our District Offices, watch for closure announcements. See Ian Closures (September 2022) for an example. So, “if a district closes, and a mediator has cases scheduled in that district, does the mediator proceed as scheduled?” That is within the mediator's discretion. So, if the attorneys and parties are located in the district that is closed for emergency, the default should be to cancel and reschedule when it can be rescheduled.This is the best for everyone's safety. BUT If the case is assigned to a district that is closed, but the lawyers/parties want to proceed, the mediator may do so within her/his discretion (the parties may be litigating in St. Petersburg, but are all locate...