New Procedural Rules 02.14.22
On February 14, 2022, the new Rules of Procedure for Workers' Compensation Adjudications will be in effect. They were filed with the Florida Secretary of State January 25, 2022. The following text highlights the additions with underlined text and deletions with Stricken through text. Changes to capitalize rule titles are technical changes. Chapter 60Q-6 Rules of Procedure for Workers' Compensation Adjudications 60Q-6.101. Scope 60Q-6.102. Definitions 60Q-6.103. Pleadings and Proposed Orders 60Q-6.104. Representation and Appearance of Counsel 60Q-6.105. Commencing a Case; Subsequent Petitions 60Q-6.106. Consolidation and Venue 60Q-6.107. Amendment and Dismissal of Petition for Benefits 60Q-6.108. Filing and Service 60Q-6.109. Computation of Time 60Q-6.110. Mediation, Generally 60Q-6.111. Authority and ...